Alaska Part 3; July 19th – 25th

3 black bear cubs on the side of the road, mama too as she was not very far away.

Matanuska Glacier, a valley glacier, the largest accessible by car, is 27 miles long by 4 miles long, no significant change in 30 years.

Quick overnight at Abby’s B & B, we could of spent another day here to tour Hatchers Pass.

Way up in the sky you can see a helicopter with a water bag, dropping the water not far away on the forest fire along the Sterling Highway.

Russian Orthodox Church, built in 1849, a national historic landmark, overlooking the Cook Inlet.

Made it to Homer, Alaska, watch out halibut, here we come!

Tent camping on the Homer Spit. lots of smoke in the air so our views are hazy.

We chartered with Homer Ocean Charters, on the Seahawk, captain Nick. John bringing a halibut in.

  • Part of our catch, fun but exhausting day. Left the B & B at 6:00 am and didn’t get back until 8:30 pm. The big guy is about 40″ long, guessing it weighed around 30 pounds. We caught our 2 per person limit, one could be over 28″ and one had to be under 28″. Processors pick it up right at the docks for you.
  • Our hike down the Diamond Creek Trail led us to the Cook Inlet in the Kachemak Bay.
  • We came across this cubby star fish on the beach but it was still alive so we left it in a pool of water.

  • Rainy morning, the Grewingk Glacier that can be seen from our B & B.
  •  Stopped in at the Salty Dawg on the Homer Spit for a drink. Money and a variety of mementos everywhere, pretty dusty in there.

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